
These listings are sourced from Curricunet, and some courses may not be offered every semester. 欲了解更多信息,请联系学术部门,与 counseling or refer to the current 课程安排和学院目录.

COMM 1 -语言交流基础    ( 3.00 - Units )
Emphasis on developing, organizing, researching, 传递信息, persuasive, 或者向观众提出有趣的想法. 本课程还包括培养批判性听力, audience analysis, 以及解决问题的能力. Communication theory and best practices for communication to a public are analyzed.

  1. Recognize, define, and apply the principles of practical communication and communication theory
  2. Adopt an ethical perspective when presenting original ideas and/or incorporating the ideas of others
  3. 倾听,评估,并适当地回应他人的想法
  4. 了解人们在交流中使用的各种价值体系

COMM 2 -文学口语解释    ( 3.00 - Units )
本入门课程旨在提高你的自信心, 你对文本的批判性分析, 提高你对这些课文的理解, by stressing both your breakdown of the material and development of vocal skills. 文本可能包括散文(小说/非小说)、诗歌和戏剧.

  1. research, analyze, and synthesize traditional and nontraditional texts for performance and production;
  2. listen to, evaluate, and respond appropriately to the ideas and performances of others;
  3. recognize, define, and apply the principles of aesthetic communication and performance theory.

COMM 3 -组通信    ( 3.00 - Units )
小组交流. 沟通在各种群体过程中的作用, including norms, roles, 领导和决策, 运用现代组织沟通的概念. 包括参与模拟练习和小组活动.

  1. 练习协作解决问题和团队决策技能;
  2. recognize, define and apply the principles of practical communication and group communication theory;
  3. compare and contrast the variety of value systems people use in group communication;
  4. 倾听,评估,并适当地回应他人的想法.

COMM 6 -性能研究导论    ( 3.00 - Units )
Exploration of historically influential activist performances and contemporary performance art/installation pieces. Development of an understanding of basic interdisciplinary performance theories from everyday life, ritual, and on-stage. Emphasis on creating and observing performances as tools for social critique.

  1. Appraise, analyze, and synthesize traditional and nontraditional texts for performance and production.
  2. Listen to, evaluate, and respond appropriately to the ideas and performances of others.
  3. Recognize, define, and apply the principles of aesthetic communication and performance theory.

COMM 10 -人际沟通    ( 3.00 - Units )
An introductory course designed to help students develop interpersonal communication competencies. Students begin by exploring personal identity, including race, culture, gender, and family. 然后检查这些个人身份如何影响人际关系. Finally, we will identify strategies to reduce miscommunication and conflict in interpersonal relationships. Overall, through readings, lecture/discussion, and assignments we will examine the power of communication and its effects on our lives and relationships.

  1. analyze, select, and demonstrate relational management in dyadic communication;
  2. 倾听、评估并适当回应他人的想法;
  3. recognize, define, and apply the principles of practical communication and interpersonal communication theory;
  4. understand the variety of value systems people use in interpersonal communication.

COMM 11 -跨文化交际    ( 3.00 - Units )
This course will focus on the transmission and interpretation of messages between people from different cultures. 我们将特别关注信仰, values, 以及反映在美国文化中的规范, 特别是种族的交叉动态, ethnicity, gender, religion and class. Emphasis on practical application of skills for effective communication between people of different domestic and international cultures.

  1. 识别和解释文化的基本创造.  这应该包括对行为模式的认识, values, 信念是通过语言和非语言交流来分享/传播的.  
  2. Analyze diverse communication systems and perspectives employed when communicating within & across cultures.
  3. 倾听,评估,并适当地回应他人的想法
  4. Recognize, define, and apply the principles of practical communication and intercultural communication theory

COMM 12 -性别,性别认同和沟通    ( 3.00 - Units )
Processes and theories of gender and communication; emergence of sexual identity and orientation in society; the power of language and stereotypes in private discourse and public dialogue; the impact of historical, social, ethical, cultural, 多元语境下性别交际的心理因素.

  1. 对核心概念有清晰的认识, central figures, and different theoretical frameworks of feminist thought and gender studies.
  2. Critically examine social, ethical, and/or political gender issues from multiple perspectives.
  3. Explain a variety of practical communication skills appropriate for successful cross-gendered/cross-sexed communication to maintain healthy relationships.

COMM 20 -说服和沟通    ( 3.00 - Units )
说服技巧的调查与发展, strategies, 以及贯穿古今的理论. 主题将包括修辞、宣传和正式/非正式的论证.

  1. Construct logical and ethical arguments using persuasive and rhetorical techniques with consideration of culture and context
  2. 倾听,评估,并适当地回应他人的论点.
  3. Recognize and discriminate between elements of persuasion and propaganda used in modern society
  4. Recognize, define, and apply the principles of practical communication and persuasion and rhetorical theory

COMM 46 -论证和辩论    ( 3.00 - Units )
通过书面和口头话语分析当代问题. Analysis, criticism, 和当代道德的综合, political, 经济和哲学问题的多样性, multicultural society, 运用传统和现代的论证模式.

  1. 在倡导自我和他人时,采用道德观点
  2. 倾听、评价并回应他人的观点
  3. 认识、定义并运用论证和辩护的原则
  4. 了解人们在宣传中使用的各种价值体系
  5. 阐述立场,表达和辩护论点

COMM 48 -法医学活动    ( 1.00 - Units )
大学间的演讲比赛, 基于证据和有限准备的辩论, 以及口头文学的诠释. 活动准备包括研究、写作、练习和表演. Other activities may include performance in workshops, festivals, concert reading and the community.

  1. Analyze, appraise, and synthesize literature and/or research materials for performance and production
  2. 倾听、评价和批评他人的表现.
  3. Recognize, define, and apply the principles of practical communication and competitive/forensics communication theory.

传播学概论    ( 3.00 - Units )
A survey of the discipline of Communication Studies with emphasis on multiple epistemological, theoretical, and methodological issues relevant to the systematic inquiry of human interaction. 本课程从人本主义的角度探讨传播学理论, 社会科学和批判传统.

  1. 认识,定义和应用沟通理论的原则.
  2. 倾听,评估,并适当地回应他人的想法.
  3. Adopt an ethical perspective when presenting original ideas and/or incorporating the ideas of others
  4. 了解人们在交流中使用的各种价值体系

COMM 70A -通讯导师培训入门    ( 2.00 - Units )
通讯实验室导师培训简介. 通过讲座和实践辅导 experience students will demonstrate lab procedure, tutor strategies, 以及公共演讲的基本组成部分.

  1. 倾听、评估并适当回应他人的想法;
  2. recognize, define and apply the principles of practical communication and communication theory.

COMM 70B -经验交流导师培训    ( 2.00 - Units )
通讯实验室导师培训. 通过讲座和实践辅导, experienced tutors with at least one semester of lab experience will demonstrate lab procedure, tutor stategies, 对公共演讲的基本要素有全面的了解, 以及为新导师示范这些技能的能力.

  1. 倾听、评估并适当回应他人的想法;
  2. recognize, define and apply the principles of practical communication and communication theory;
  3. 与同事沟通和合作, students, instructors, and classified professionals successfully in order to provide a welcoming and productive experience for students who visit the Communication Lab.