Grants Development Office

 Grant Development Office works with faculty, staff, and administrators to research, develop, and write proposals that advance the mission and strategic plan of “大学.

NOTE: Student 援助 is handled through the Financial 援助 Office

We provide the following services to “大学:

  1. Federal, state, and foundation funding research
  2. Research college needs and funding priorities as guided by strategic plan
  3. Dissemination of funding resources and information via periodic e-mail alerts and grants newsletter
  4. Ongoing maintenance of a grants library
  5. Proposal development, 写作, review, and editing
  6. Scheduling and facilitation of project planning meetings
  7. 工作人员 development workshops on grant preparation and 写作
  8. Facilitation of college/district grant approval and signature process
  9. Proposal duplication and submission services upon request
  10. Community partnership building in support of grant development
  11. Coordination of the Chabot Grants Subcommittee which reports to the Institutional 规划 & 预算委员会



1. I have an idea for a project. Who should I contact and when should I contact the Grant Development Office?
Although most agencies do not release RFA’s until 1-2 months before applications are due, you can always look up the previous year’s application for reference. 大多数RFA的 do not change too much from year to year and sending a quick email to a Program Officer will easily answer any questions about upcoming changes. Reading an RFA ahead of time will give you time to plan and develop your project long before you have to start 写作.

2. How do I submit project ideas to the Grant Development Office?
You can do that through several ways:

  1. Submit your project idea on the New Initiatives form in your Program Review
  2. 完成 Grant Approval Form
  3. Come in and talk to the Grant Development Office about your idea

3. What if I find a funding source for my idea and I want to apply for a grant?
Notify the Grant Development Office using the same process above and schedule a meeting so that we can talk about how the Office can best support you. Depending on College-wide grant priorities, we may be able to help you more or less as time permits. Ideally, please provide 4-6 weeks lead time.

4. Who should I notify before I proceed 写作 a grant?
You should notify your Dean and the Grant Development Office (even if they are not directly involved with 写作 the grant). 的 Grant Development Office will help you complete a Grant Approval Form which asks for various signatures. 通常, if you have been working with the Grant Development Office from the beginning, this form and the required signatures are completed and gathered for you.

5. I don’t know the first thing about 写作 a grant and the language that is used. What should I do?
的 Grant Development Office has books and resources to help you get started with 写作 the text. Depending on the proposal, there may already be boilerplates/templates or sample proposals on your topic. Also, depending on our workload, we may be able to help you write/edit your proposal. In the future, look out for Grant 写作 Workshops and more helpful resources on the Grant Development Office website.


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Executive Director of Institutional Advancement
电话 510.723.6810

Nicole Albrecht
Grant Developer/Writer
电话 510.723.7412